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What is the best sunscreen for your face?

man wearing sunglasses applies sunscreen to woman's face while smiling

How to choose the best sunscreen for your face

Skin can­cer experts agree that it’s essen­tial to wear a broad-spec­trum, SPF 30 sun­screen all day, every day, espe­cial­ly in the sum­mer months. If sun­screen isn’t right for your skin type, it can cause irri­ta­tion, block­ages, break-outs and even aller­gies. 

90% of skin ageing is caused by sun damage, which means it’s vital that you wear a minimum of SPF30—daily and ensure it’s a broad spectrum formula. But there are lots of other factors to consider when deciding what the best sunscreen for your face is.

Which Sunscreen is best for Me?

If you have fair or sen­si­tive skin, look for a sun­screen specif­i­cal­ly for­mu­lat­ed for sen­si­tive skin, fra­grance-free or hypoal­ler­genic. Read our blog about sunscreen for sensitive skin for more info.

If you have dry or mature skin, choose a moisturising sunscreen for dry or mature skin. Seasick Sunscreen is enriched with coconut oil and shea butter making it highly moisturising!

If you have oily skin and your pores get blocked easily then our sunscreen might not be the best for your skin. This is because it’s made with oils 

Which SPF rat­ing should I use on my face?

SPF15 sun­screen pro­vides about 94% UVB pro­tec­tion, but pro­tec­tion is increased to 97% with SPF30 and to 98% with SPF50+. Dermatologists recommend wearing SPF 30 sunscreen or above.

People living in Aotearoa New Zealan­der (and Aus­tralia) are now advised to apply sun­screen every day when the UV index is pre­dict­ed to reach 3 or above (Whiteman et al., 2019)

When the UV index is 3 or above, sun­screen should be applied. You can find out what the UV index is each day here.

Use a broad spectrum sunscreen

Check your sun­screen before you buy to ensure it is ​broad-spec­trum, which means it con­tains both UVA and UVB pro­tec­tion. This is crucial for both face and body sunscreen!

Can you wear Seasick Sunscreen under makeup?

Yes! Our sunscreen sinks into your skin quickly and is non-greasy making it perfect for wearing under makeup.

Under makeup it works a treat; no pooling in the facial lines (euphemism for wrinkles).” Juliette, Eco-blogger

 Warm a small amount of sunscreen in your palms and it glides onto your skin beautifully. watch our how to apply our sunscreen guide for more details

A little goes a very long way. I couldn’t believe that tiny amount required to cover my face.” Juliette, Eco-blogger

These are just some of the factors to consider when selecting the best sunscreen for your face and skin type. We've tried to make the choice easy for you by creating sunscreen that is ideal for sensitive skin but also can be used on the rest of your body too! You don't necessarily need a different sunscreen for your face and your body.



D. Whiteman, R. Neale, J. Aitken, L. Gordon, A. Green, M. Janda, C. Olsen, P. Soyer, 2019. 

When to apply sunscreen: a consensus statement for Australia and New Zealand. Report on behalf of the Sunscreen Summit Policy Group, 

Australian and New Zealand journal of public health43(2), 171-175.

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